5 Tips You Need to Know While Going on a Camping Trip

Millions of people around the world go camping every year to escape the harsh reality for some days. Camping is a therapeutic way to release stress and to reconnect with Mother Nature. Camping is not only visually pleasing but also healthy. Trekking or hiking on a mountain with your body absorbing sun rays not only provides the essential vitamin D needed for your body but also burns off some calories and increase stamina. So, if you’re a first-time camper and want to have the best experience, here are the essential tips you need to know.

  1. Buy suitable gear and backpack

Make sure you buy suitable gear and try it out once before leaving for camping. A good night’s sleep is essential to follow it up with exploring nature, and buying the best sleeping bag is not disagreeable. Buy a backpack according to your needs with how much weight you can travel with while trekking or hiking to a campsite.

  • Pack essentials

Pack according to your needs and for how many days you’ll be camping. Don’t forget to pack your toothbrush, clothes, flashlight, water bottles, and a extra padded cushion to add more comfortableness to your sleep. A wise choice also would be to take a filter with you to filter water from streams etc.

Buy some energy drinks and granola bars to sustain energy levels while camping and pack stretchable clothes for a better experience.

Learn how to also make your own Granola Bars with this neat little recipe in this video.

  • Choose a tent

Camping can be in RVs or tents so if you want to get the closest camping experience, then it should be in a tent. You never know the weather conditions; one moment, it is 25C the next moment it could be raining, so buy a 3-weather survivable tent that is available widely and can be used in summer, autumn, or on a rainy day. Count the number of people joining you on this adventure to select a spacious tent or a specific number of tents.

  • Pre-book campsite spot and premake your meals

If you’ve made an impromptu decision of going on a camping without a spot, then that would be stressful and a lot of hassle for you so, it’s better to choose a spot before going on a camping trip. There’s a lot of camping sites around the country providing amenities such as clean toilets, showers, and even Wi-Fi. So, check out possible campsites near you to have options and specific details.

Camping wouldn’t allow you sometimes to make fancy meals, and if you’re a foodie, then canned meals and granola bars would not be enough for you. Prepare meals a day before you set off for camping that would need minimal use of resources and make a delicious meal.

  • Practice setting up your tent

Last but not least, and the most crucial step of camping is setting up a tent. It’s not easy to set up a tent even though the package says only a 5 to 10 minutes setting up needed. So, set up your tent in the backyard of your house 2 to 3 days before your camping day and practice setting it up until you learn it properly.

Hope you got some tips out of this article. See more posts Here.


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